TLC Consulting For Kaiako
Elena: RIE® Associate
The more I work with and observe infants, the more I come to appreciate the wisdom of Dr. Emmi Pikler and works of Magda Gerber. Neuroscience, the American Pediatrics association on play and other bodies of research strengthen my conviction that Magda Gerber’s Educaring® Approach is not only a holistic model of care but a visionary one that crosses contexts and cultures. If relationships are the heart of the approach, the RIE® principles serve as guidelines. The basis of the respect we show to infants that encapsulates not only our ways of being with children but our role in setting the physical, cognitive and social - emotional environment. It also affords us the opportunity to reflect on our image of infants as competent and possibly offers insights into how our ways with children and comfort levels has the potential to impact on learning and our perceptions of infant and toddler capabilities and competencies.
Mentoring & Coaching
For provisionally registered teachers, or for those wanting to know more about the Magda Gerber’s Educaring Approach. These sessions can be at staff meetings, facilitating discussion where teams want to introduce the approach. We can facilitate teacher only day sessions.
Fees: $160 per hour, ongoing PD can be negotiated.
Full Day & Half Day Workshops
These workshops highlight some of the core aspects of the approach which together serve as a model of care that encourages infants and adults to trust each other, learn to problem solve, and embrace their ability for self-discovery. Most of all a reminder that when children are allowed to unfold in their own way and in their own time, children discover and inspire the best in themselves and in others.
Primary Educator Relationships - a bridge to other relationships : What does Primary Caregiving mean? Why is it important? What might it look like in a group care setting and how to foster secure and healthy attachment relationships. In this workshop we explore the dance between the key educator and secondary educator relationships. How this might look like for children and what support structures might exist to promote the physical and emotional well-being of adults and children alike.
Revisiting Caregiving as Pleasurable moments: If the heart of the the Educaring® Approach is relationships, caregiving moments can be seen as the vehicle to fostering secure, healthy attachment relationships with children. This workshop explores a framework of care used at The Learning Centre with particular reference to mealtimes and nappy changes with a view to elevating practice.
Physical Environments that support uninterrupted play: What do environments that support free and uninterrupted play look like and how do we facilitate them in a group care context. How do they support infant toddler inquiry and what is the role of the adult. We also look at some of the some of the challenges and how we can best work around some of the constraints within our /your centres.
What's movement got to do with it? During this session participants will gain an increased understanding of the natural unfolding motor development of infants and toddlers; We explore how the environment and the role of the teacher can hinder or supports motor development and how the RIE® Principles fosters social emotional skills like cooperation and self-confidence.
Keynote Speaking Engagements
Elena and Ania are available to provide Key Note Speaking engagements.
Please contact us for pricing.